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On FreeLocalSex you can chat and meet horny women and find horny girls for a date in your area. But there's also a big chance you'll come across a profile and see someone you know, it could be a secretary from your work, a girl you remember from high school or your ex-girlfriend. Many of them have sexually explicit photos posted on their profile pages and they don't want these pics being spread. So if you recognize someone on an explicit picture than please DO NOT distribute it on social media and respect everyone's privacy. Do this and you will surely end up with some milfs, mature ladies or other hot horny women you've met on FreeLocalSex.net!
There are women looking to fuck any kind of guy that they think can give them the type of orgasm that they crave. Each woman needs her own things to cum and you have to be ready to provide it to them when you want to have as much casual sex as you can manage.If you're looking for a local fuck buddy or have had one in the past, you know that there are some rules to follow. You might just not know what they are. If you really want to enjoy the time you're spending with your special friend then it's best to take some advice from the people who are already doing it. They know how it's supposed to work and they want to help you out. We've asked some regular sex friends what they do to keep their relationships going and strong, to let you know how to do it for yourself.
Don't Text at Midnight"If there's one thing a fuck buddy should know it's that you shouldn't be texting at midnight. You're not in a relationship and your local sex friend may want to keep things discreet. Only talk when you know that it's safe to do so."
Margaret (47) and Bret (19)"The last thing I need is for my fuck buddy sex to be as boring as my relationship sex. There's a reason I'm not dating anyone!"
Darren (34) and Michaela (31)"Look, I'm going to be honest. I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing with my local sex friends. It's embarrassing and humiliating and it should just be between the two of us."
Fred (33) and Nina (18)"I lead a busy life and I don't have time for a relationship. I just want to have fun whenever I can fit it in. The last thing I need is someone crying on my shoulder when I'm horny."
Brenda (29) and Matt (31)"Nothing turns me off faster than a person who has to stop everything to ask if I'm okay with something. We don't have much time together and I just want to play. Do what you want to do and stop if I say to stop. It's really that simple."
Dianne (48) and Mike (21)"What you do with your fuck buddy is between the two of you and no one else. The other person might not want the world to know that they're having sex with you. In fact, it could ruin their lives if the wrong people see it. Don't put them in that position by displaying your affection publicly."
Michelle (36) and Ashly (18)"If you're hooking up with someone local for the very first time then you really don't want to ask if you can stay the night. You can't. Just pack up your things and go home. It's for the best."
Daniel (34) and April (19)"When you're hooking up with someone that you don't really know, it's okay to ask them what they like. There's nothing worse than just floundering around down there and not accomplishing anything."
Kenneth (29) and Becky (28)"Hooking up is really an art and you usually want to have some fun before you get down to business. If you're going out dancing or something, make sure you have some baby wipes at home. You'll both appreciate it if you freshen up before you get dirty."
Sandi (23) and Debbie (21)"You just never know what your local sex buddy has going on at home. As such, you have to be respectful of their privacy. What are you going to do if you find out they're married with four kids? Does is change the kind of sex you'll have? Of course it won't. Just mind your own business."
Kathy (36) and Steve (23)"Remember that you're just hooking up with each other. The gifts that you're giving each other are orgasms. Don't surprise them with a gift on Valentine's Day because you'll just confuse them."
Ryan (38) and Jen (18)"If you're just in it to have a good time then the last thing you want to do is have to pretend about it. Don't go saying you like things just to impress your fuck friend. You'll just end up wasting your own time and not enjoying yourself"
Stephanie (19) and Josh (43)"The best thing that you can possibly do is make sure that you're the right kind of person for hooking up to begin with. You should live sex and just be naturally horny. If you don't like doing it all of the time then you shouldn't be hanging out with someone who does."
Marion (48) and Ben (18)"You don't have to be a fetishist to know what a safe word is. If there's something that you're not willing to do or you know that you won't like, let it be known early. You don't want your local sex buddy to try and work up to something only to find that it's cut off from them."
Megan (24) and Jerry (25)"If you think that's it's okay to meet up with your fling when you're in a bad mood and just want to cry in bed, then you're wrong. It's not your sex partner job to take care of your emotions. You're only there to fuck and that's it. Make sure you're in the mood for sex and nothing else. You owe it to them when you agree to share your orgasms."
Vivian (29) and Jenna (21)"It shouldn't need to be said that hooking up with someone should be fun. That means that you have to be willing to try out new things to keep it interesting. You can save all of the boring sex for later on when you're married to someone else."
Joseph (33) and Candice (31)"If you absolutely need something in order to achieve orgasm then you have to let your local fuck friend know that. It doesn't matter what it is. It's better to know ahead of time rather than having your friend suddenly beg you to shove something up their butt and call them names while they masturbate at the end of the night."
Shelly (18) and Frank (47)"You're hooking up with someone because you want to have a good time with them. Don't go ruining it by refusing to enjoy yourself. Just be happy that you're having fun and be done with it."
Sheena (37) and Don (39)"The number one rule for making your casual relationship work is simply to make sure that you're not turning it into a real relationship. No one has time for that. Just have your fun and talk when you want to hook up. It's really that simple."
Hank (28) and Jennifer (26)"If you really want your local sex relationship to work then you have to have more than one of them. Don't rely on just one person to satisfy all your needs. That's going be dangerous when you want things to stay casual. Have a few of them and hit up the ones that you want to have sex with, when you want to have sex with them."
Bo (38) and Melissa (19)